东莞市天兴电子科技有限公司,型号齐全货源充足、库存雄厚,15年实体经营,**品质,本公司产品原厂直供,购买的产品均享有原厂质保,终身售后服务,售前,售后都有专人为您解答一切问题,让您可以放心购买,用优惠的价格,拥有至好的服务体验。 罗德与施瓦茨信号发生器R&S SML03信号源 品牌:罗德与施瓦茨/ Rhode and Schwartz 型号:SML03 带宽:9 kHz至3.3 GHz 类型:信号发生器 客服:1922 4940 90 TB店铺:东莞市天兴电子科技 长期经营诚信仪表销售、租赁等业务! 二手仪器来货不同成色不同所以价格不同、有意请来电或QQ咨询价格! 温馨提示:快速查找联系方式可直接百度(东莞天兴电子科技有限公司)期待你的咨询! 罗德与施瓦茨信号发生器R&S SML03信号源 Detailed introduction to R&S SML03 SIGNAL GENERATOR 9KHz - 3.3GHz: The R&S SML03 Signal Generator offers all features required of a state-of-the-art general-purpose ** generator: wide frequency range, large variety of modulation functions and high reliability – at an extremely attractive price. The fields of application of the Rohde & Schwarz SML03 are virtually unlimited in development, servicing or production where it is used as a flexible ** source in automatic test systems. Specifications of the R&S SML Signal Generator include: - Frequency Range: 9 kHz - 3.3 GHz - 0.1 Hz Frequency Resolution - Level Range: -140 dBm to +13 dBm - High level accuracy (deviation -120 dBm) - Level setting without overshoots - Electronic Attenuator - Non-interrupting level setting - Spectral Purity SSB phase noise <-122 dBc (1 Hz), typ. -128 dBc (1 Hz) (f = 1 GHz, carrier offset 20 kHz) Broadband noise <-140 dBc (1 Hz), typ. -150 dBc (1 Hz) (f = 1 GHz, carrier offset >2 MHz) - Speed Setting times <10 ms for frequency and level - Modulation AM/FM/?M as standard Simultaneous AM, FM/?M and pulse modulation Optional pulse modulator with integrated pulse generator (Option B3) - Low cost of ownership 3-year calibration cycle Low purchase price * High reliability through electronic attenuator (wear-free) * Service-friendly (continuous selftest, access to internal test points) * Options OCXO (Option B1), pulse modulator (Option B3) and Stereo/RDS Coder (Option B5)